General Preface

Bitumen polymer waterproofing membrane roof covers require periodical maintenance in order to ensure their high performance over a period of time. Every product’s technical properties endure an inevitable decline due to various environmental factors such as temperature (especially in the summer months). Other factors include frost/thawing and meteorological precipitation such as hail etc. In this document the most important points will be illustrated along with the best action to take in order to reduce any future problems. We would also like to underline the fact that not directly following regular waterproofing maintenance may result in the loss of insurance cover due to misuse of the product.

Tech Talk articles

November 23, 2020. 3:29 PM

The effect of hail on bitumous membranes

Hail is a meteorological phenomenon which concentrates on one area and is often very violent. It occurs due to large temperature differences in air masses. Sometimes hailstones can be of ample dimensions, in these cases hailstones cause an intense…

November 23, 2020. 3:24 PM

Maintenance of industrial factory roofing

Here, reference is to those industrial buildings in which production activities are carried out, which by their nature can emit smoke or aggressive substances into the atmosphere, which could damage the bitumous mass of the membrane.

November 23, 2020. 3:11 PM

Water or air bubbles on roofing surface

The presence of water or air bubbles on waterproof covers is a fact that can occur in some particular circumstances, such as in the case of thermal insulation and the absence of an adequate vapour barrier. In the latter case the vapour may rise up…

November 23, 2020. 2:54 PM

Roof waterproofing surface curling

Polymer bitumen membranes applied with traditional methods (propane gas flame torch) can be applied in different ways, depending on the surface they need to be applied to. These surfaces can be: “totally free” (independent laying) “Partial laying”…

November 23, 2020. 2:41 PM

Snow on roofing surfaces

Snow on roofing requires some attention; in fact the presence of a snow covering for periods of time could cause minor malfunctions due to the rise in humidity and possible seepage

November 23, 2020. 2:32 PM

Walking on bitumous membranes

Polymer bitumen membranes whether smooth (non-self-protecting) or slated, ARE NOT TO BE WALKED ON. In summer the bitumous mass tends to become softer, therefore it is easily damaged (especially on slanting roofs).

November 19, 2020. 2:44 PM

Painting a non self- protecting bitumous surface

Normally the painting of a polymer bitumen membrane is carried out directly on the exposed surface. This membrane must be an APP (plastomeric) membrane as SBS membranes cannot be left exposed to UV rays. The membranes also require mineral protection…

November 11, 2020. 4:06 PM

Slated membrane maintenance

Self-protecting slated mineral membranes are often chosen for visible waterproofing in order to avoid painting maintenance. These membranes, apart from ensuring watertightness thanks to the layer of mineral slate on their surface, are not subjected…

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