Elastomeric-plastomeric polymer distilled bitumen waterproofing membrane. FUTURA RS4 AF P is a prefabricated ELASTOMERIC-PLASTOMERIC (Plastomer-Polymer Bitumen) waterproofing membrane offering excellent performance. Made from a special distilled bitumen compound modified with a high percentage of special polymers such as POLYPROPYLENE (APP) and POLYOLEFIN (APAO), with the addition of special anti-ageing additives that provide blends with superior performance characteristics. FUTURA RS4 AF P is a membrane produced to the standards set by NAT technology, the innovative production system for the control of polymer matrix ageing in bitumen membranes. FUTURA RS4 AF P is BROOF(t2) certified to the requirements of the external fire performance standard EN 13501-5. FUTURA RS4 AF P has also been certified for hail resistance to standard EN 13583. FUTURA RS4 AF P has a spunbond polyester nonwoven carrier stabilized with glass strands parallel to the machine direction. The carrier gives great tensile strength in all directions, as well as excellent puncture resistance and dimensional stability.